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  9. Abandoned stands, Barton Park

Abandoned stands, Barton Park


  • Dienstregeling: De hele dag
  • Toeloop: Hoog
  • Privacy: Hoog

The abandoned stands in Barton Park. Lots of open rooms under the stands. The oval directly in front is also fenced off from the rest of the area. I often stand in the middle of the oval & jack off or up on the stands. Nobody can see into the oval or the stands. It is all fenced off. Several places to get inside at the back.

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Rockdale, New South Wales, Australië
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Sydney, New South Wales, Australië
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Hurstville, New South Wales, Australië
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Peace Park

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Ashfield Library

Ashfield, New South Wales, Australië
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Toilet Block at the end of Tom Uglys Bridge

Sutherland, New South Wales, Australië
7.6 km
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